T01782 286666

Guide to Public Access Fees
The fee ranges set out below are intended to provide some general guidance regarding fees.
A number of factors affect cost :
The area of law concerned.
The experience level of the chosen barrister.
The volume of the paperwork involved.
The complexity of any legal issues.
The estimated length of any court hearing.
Fee Ranges
Initial consultation to assess suitability for public access . . Free
Conference for advice (per hour) . . . . . . . . . . . . . £80 - £150
Court hearing with time estimate of 2 hours or less . . . . £150 - £300
Court hearing with time estimate of a half-day . . . . . . £250 - £650
Court hearing with a time estimate of a full day . . . . . . £500 - £1100
Once we know more about your case we will be able to assess any fees with greater precision. Please contact the clerks for further details.